Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wings to fly

Lyrics | Aladdin lyrics - A Whole New World lyrics


Sometimes I just need a break from the reality we live in. It gives new air for me to breathe from.
So I just can't help imagining myself living in a world I create on my own. A world with peace and serenity.
With everything smiling around me, I smile back with indescribable bliss.
With the wind blowing gently my hair away while I stand by the corner of the hill atop looking down at the beautiful river below, I close my eyes and listen to my surroundings; with my arms crossed over my chest.
Small little flowers are singing to me. So I sing back. Starting with a hum, I create my own melody; my own tune; my own lyrics; my own song.
I feel music flowing into this small world I create, the power gushing up, whirling around me, unimaginably strong and fast and opening my eyes, I watch colors splash across the sky, creating the most ever beautiful auroras. They are so near I could touch them, and that I unthinkably did.
Magic. Unimaginably imaginable.
And it gives me wings to fly. Like a caterpillar metamorphosing into a butterfly.

I want to change.

I try to be brave. I try to be strong. I try hard to escape my daydreams. I return to reality.

It's time to face the real music.

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