Saturday, March 14, 2009

First impression

We met our new ambassador for the first time today at his house. That was a very pleasant meeting indeed. He is such a funny and considerate gentleman! With a lovely wife too.
The occasion began with a brief speech from none but the ambassador himself- lovely (cliched) speech with a tinge of humor and friendliness. After the speech, we adjourned for the food prepared when he quickly put us into halt by reprimanding the boys who went ahead of the girls and said sharply, "LADIES first!" LOL

(Yes, sadly, guys here aren't gentlemen. Another sad fact- there aren't many gentlemen anymore I guess.)

And I noticed and observed the food prepared. What a great consideration put into it- the dishes were either all beef(with potatoes) or all vegetables or all chicken(with potatoes). So this means that Indians, non-beef eaters, and vegetarians will not need to worry about eating the wrong food at all. Something that people never took seriously before. He even hired chefs and helpers! We needn't worry about time constraint and helping for the first time! Very nicely done. ;)

He was very nice, even to everyone. He came to speak to everyone and was humble to come down to our level and joked around with us.

This just proves how true this statement is- "first impression matters the most". ;)

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