Monday, May 25, 2009

Blood. You like it?

Thanks to a fellow member of a wonderful website, I found out about the books' existence.

THE STRAIN TRILOGY A very cool website by the way.
Relating post- I know I am really, really late on this already.

Now here's a REAL VAMPIRE story. You know what I mean.

By the way, if you haven't watched Pan's Labyrinth, sighs...then you really have missed out on enjoying a really good motion picture. It's a Spanish motion picture by the way, so look for the ones that provide English subtitles, unless you are Spanish literate of course. Ah speaking about the language, I remember a friend telling me that the grammar of the language used in various countries happen to be the same, it's just the words or vocab that might differ, didn't really get what she meant by that- most probably analogous to American and British use of words I guess. In contrast to that, the Portuguese language used in different countries have entirely different use of grammar. That was some interesting fact she told me. I'm penning it down just in case I forget in the future. My poor, poor memory never serves me well.

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