Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Send the message out!

Hello everybody! How are you today? I wish from the bottom of my heart that
1)you had a great day or
2)you will begin your day with a smile on your face and in your heart or
3)you're probably in the middle of the day already and so, do spend the rest of the day by putting a cheerful air about you! =)

A friend of mine shared with me a really cool philosophy of his life recently- I can't remember all the exact words that he said (since he said that weeks ago!) but this is the general idea of them:
"I like to be happy. I want to make people happy too because I feel happy when they are happy!"

Don't you feel encouraged by those words?! I felt really encouraged when he said those things! Because believe! that there is someone out there in this world who wishes you to be happy, regardless of the fact whether you're a stranger or not! Okay... wait a minute... correction, there are PEOPLE (not just someone) because that includes me too! =)

Each and everyone of us has our own way of feeling happy. As for me, I started my day today with reading the bible. =) Sparking interest turned into fire and understanding dawned upon me and the rest of the day is history! Even my classmate asked me, "Why are you so happy?!" And don't you notice, when you smile at your friends, your friends smile back at you too? Because you know what, being happy and positive and motivating is contagious! Spread the happiness around and it will make your day!

I know.. it's easier said than done. Hmmm okay... let's check out this really cool video (yes, the very same friend recommended this video to me!):

Banjamin Zander on Music and Passion- Classical music with shining eyes

And you know what's my favorite part??? The CLAPPING part and the fact that he related that to an experience he had with kids as audience! Watch it! Come on.... it's just 20 minutes- it'll be the shortest 20 minutes of your life! The best part is in the ending- (yes, the best part always comes last)
It may change your outlook on your life or you may already the same outlook on life and so you might feel excited like, "Yes! I found a mate in a stranger who shares the same hope as I do- bravo!"

Spread the joy because trust me, life holds a precious value when you do something meaningful- (well, that's my philosophy of life! =)!)

Credits to A (yes, that very same friend lol)

-I would never say anything that couldn't stand as the last thing I'll ever say-
-"Why am I clapping?" One of the little kids said "cause we were listening!"-

Last note: Yes, check out the website- www.ted.com now!

~Smiley Face~

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